Country: Tonga
Protecting Yourself Online
While spending time learning, connecting and sharing online can be enjoyable and fun, you may also have experienced some of the risks.
Learning Module
Spotting and Avoiding Online Scams
Going online to connect with other people can be fun and rewarding.
Learning Module
Being Media Literate
Around the world, people have access to information more than ever before—online and on social media, as well as on traditional media.
Learning Module
Promoting Online Acceptance
Every individual has rights and deserves to feel safe and be respected online and in real life.
Learning Module
Online Safety for People Living with Disability
Discrimination, bullying and abuse are never okay and should not be tolerated - either online or in real life.
Learning Module
Online Safety for Women and Girls
Every girl, boy, woman and man is important and deserves an equal chance to thrive, feel safe and be respected and listened to.
Ko Ho‘o Lelei Fakalukufua ‘i he Opé: Ko Hono Tokangaekina Kita
Kapau ‘oku ke ongo‘i lōmia mo‘oni, tuēnoa mo fakaukau taonakita. Ko e tō‘onga fakakaukau eni kuo ‘osi faka‘aonga‘i ke tokonia ha fānau to‘utupu pea ‘e malava ke tokoni atu kiate koe.