Learning Module

Kamanoam n te Online

E ngae ngke e kaunga te reirei, te reitaki ao te ibuoka ni bwai iaon te online, iai naba kangabuaka ae ko kona n aitara a ngaai.


Learning Module

Aron te Reitaki ae Tamaroa n te Online

Karineaia aomata n te aonaaba n digital e kona n rangin kanganga nakon are n bon te reitaki raoi nte aonaaba.


Learning Module

Kateimatoaan Kamanoakim n te Online

E kakawaki bwa ko na kawakin am online information ao am account mairouia aomata bwa a na aki kimoai ke n kabonganai.


Learning Module

Iango Imwain ae Ko Share

Ni katoa te tai are ko share te post, te tamnei ke te comment, iangoa aron tein bannam ma kinakim iai irouia omata- ke atakin bwaai aika ko ribai atakiia.


Learning Module

I Digital

N aron te aonaba aei ae mwaiti tuua iaon bwaai aika ko kona ao n aki kona n karaoi, ai bon aekakin naba te online ae iai naba tuua iai.



Miri and MG

Lei is a Children’s TV Show Producer who reminds people on the importance of us being responsible online citizens who are kind, considerate and understanding.



Michel Munipola

Comic Book Artist and Professional Wrestler Michel Munipola realized that respect is not always reciprocated and urges people to confide in others and speak up if they are cyberbullied.



Jawsh 685

Attributing his sudden fame to social media, music producer Jawsh 685 has gotten some hate online but is also happy to see that famous people from around the world know his songs.




Iglese an Associate Professor, Composer, Conductor and a dad, teaches his kids to protect themselves in a digital space.




As a music producer, DHEM loves to use social media platforms and recognizes the role they play in facilitating self-expression in people as well as giving people the choice to block someone who brings negativity to their space.


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