Safety Is Our Priority

In an increasingly digital world, the need to stay safe and be responsible is paramount.
Today, we have access to the world at our fingertips. But, at the same time, it’s imperative we do our bit towards being responsible citizens and take steps to avoid falling prey to scams. Here are some resources which will help you explore the digital space safely.

Staying safe while buying products online

Exploring items online is fun! It’s convenient, and everything we need is available at the click of a button. But just as we savor the benefits, it’s crucial that we understand the importance of staying safe. Here are our resources which will help you identify the different kinds of scams and discover tips to stay safe online.


Lee and his cute dog Oscar use the internet to keep in touch with their friends and family. But they are at risk from a lot of bad guys - scamsters who will try to scam Lee and Oscar in various ways.

Get to know these scamsters and our tips to keep you safe from them.

Watch the 1-min video    

Learn how to stay safe from online scamsters with Lee and Oscar.

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